- We are considering about materials and biological responses. -

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Mr. Satori, Ms. Tsukatani, and Mr. Nobunaga finished their master course.

2015.03.18-20:「The Annual Meeting of CSJ, 2015」

Dr. Shirosaki participated in the Annual Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan 2015@Okayama (Okayama University).

2015.03.10:「RCBT Meeting」

Dr. Shirosaki had a presentation at RCBT Meeting@Kyutech(Tobata Campus), Kitakyushu.

2015.03.05-06:「UPM-Kyutech Joint Seminar」

Dr. Shirosaki visited University of Putra, Malaysia for future collaboration. And she had a presentation at UPM-Kyutech MSSC Joint Seminar.

2015.02.09:「The 33rd Lecture Meeting of Dentistry and Engineering Cooperation」

We invited Dr. Stefano Geuna from University of Torino, Italy. He had his lecture at The 33rd Lecture Meeting of Dentistry and Engineering Cooperation@Kyushu Dental University, Kitakyushu.

"Tissue engineering of peripheral nerves"
Prof. Stefano Geuna

2015.01.26:「The 11th Symposium on Fusion Materials」

Dr. Shirosaki participated in The 11th Symposium on Fusion Materials@Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu.

2015.01.20:「Tenure-Track Joint Symposium」

We participated in Tenure-track Joint Symposium with Kyutech and Yamaguchi Univ@Kyutech(Tobata Campus), Kitakyushu.

2015.01.11:「The 10th Seminar for Women Researchers」

Dr. Shirosaki participated in The 10th Seminar for Women Researchers, by the Society of Japanese Women Scientists@Acros Fukuoka, Fukuoka.

2015.01.04-10:「Visiting University of Porto」

Dr. Shirosaki, Ms. Okano, and Ms. Yoshimatsu visited Universidade do Porto (Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica, Faculdade de Engenharia, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária) for discussion.

2014.12.26:「Cleaning Day」

Today is final day in this year. We cleaned the rooms and had lunch. Have a nice New Year!

2014.11.06:「The 34th Annual Meeting of the Research Society for Orthopaedic Biomaterials」

Mr. Shibata participated in The 34th Annual Meeting of the Research Society for Orthopaedic Biomaterials@Osaka City University, Osaka.

2014.12.05:「The 18th Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, Biology and Biomimetics」

Dr. Shirosaki, Ms. Okano, Mr. Shibata, and Ms. Yoshimatsu participated in The 18th Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, Biology and Biomimetics@I-site Nanba, Osaka.

2014.11.29:「The 2nd Symposium for Women Researchers in Science and Technology」

Dr. Shirosaki, Ms. Okano, Ms. Neves, and Ms. Tsuakatani participated in The 2nd Symposium for Women Researchers in Science and Technology@Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu and Ms. Neves had a presentation.

2014.11.06-08:「Bioceramics 26」

Dr. Shirosaki had her presentation at 26th Symposium and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (Bioceramics26)@Barcelona Plaza Hotel, Barcelona, Spain.


Dr. Shirosaki, Dr. Laranjeira and Ms. Neves had their presentation at 7th World Congress on Preventive & Regenerative Medicine (WCPRM2014)@Chientan Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan.

2014.10.04:「New member」

Ms. Masako Okano and Mr. Koichi Shibata joined our laboratory as research support staff.


Dr. Shirosaki, Dr. Laranjeira and Ms. Neves participated in 3rd Nagoya Biomimtetics International Symposium (NaBIS)@WINC AICHI, Naghoya and Dr. Shirosaki had a presentation as invited speaker.

2014.10.30:「Visiting Prof. Kasuga's Laboratory」

Dr. Shirosaki visited Prof. Kasuga's Laboratory at Nagoya Institute of Technology with Ms. Neves, and Dr. Laranjeira and had a lecture for students.

2014.10.14-12.19:「Ms. Tsukatani stays at our laboratory.」

Ms. Tsukatani (Okayama Univ.) stays again at our laboratory as short-term stay student for research.

2014.10.01:「New member」

Ms. Saki Yoshimatsu joined our laboratory as research support staff.

2014.09.26:「Symposium on Macromolecules」

Dr. Shirosaki had a presentation at 63th Symposium on Macromolecules, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan@Nagasaki University, Nagasaki.

2014.09.09-11:「Fall Meeting of CSJ」

Dr. Shirosaki attended to 27th Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan@Kagoshima University, Kagoshima.

2014.09.05:「Visiting Porto University」

Dr. Shirosaki had discussion about each collaboration with Prof. M.H. Fernandes, Prof. J.M. Fernando, Prof. J.D. Santos, Prof. A.C. Maurício, Prof. M.A. Lopes at University of Porto, Portugal.

2014.08.31 - 09.03:「ESB2014」

Dr. Shirosaki had the presentation at 26th Annual Conference European Society for Biomaterials (ESB2014)@BT Convention Centre, Liverpool, UK.


Dr. Shirosaki, Dr. Laranjeira and Ms. Neves had the presentations at International Union of Materials Research Societies-The 15th IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2014)@Fukuoka University, Fukuoka.

2014.08.19 - 11.01:「Dr. Marta stays again our laboratory.」

Dr. Marta Laranjeira (PostDoc, INEB, Universidade do Porto, Portugal) visited again our laboratory for discussion (~November 1).

2014.07.01-18:「Ms. Tsukatani stays at our laboratory.」

Ms. Tsukatani (Okayama Univ.) stays at our laboratory as short-term stay student for research.

2014.06.24:「The 1st Biomineral Seminar」

We participated in The 1st Biomineral Seminar@Takayama City Library, Takayama.

2014.06.13:「SHISEIDO Female Researchers Science Grant 2014」

Dr. Shirosaki had a presentation at SHISEIDO Female Researchers Science Grant 2014@SHISEIDO Research Center, Yokohama.

2014.05.15:「The Industry Club of West Japan Meeting」

Dr. Shirosaki had a lecture at the Industry Club of West Japan Meeting.

2014,05.12-16:「Mr. Ohshima and Mr. Sato visited our laboratory.」

Mr. Ohshima(NIMS・Ibaraki U.),Mr. Sato(NIMS・Meiji U.)visited our laboratory for research.

2014.04.23:「Welcome party at Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering」

We attended the welcome party at Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering. We have many international students.

2014.04.21:「Welcome party at Dr. Miyazaki's Laboratory」

We attended the welcome party at Dr. Miyazaki's Laboratory. Please enjoy your school life with good research!

2014.04.14 - 07.06:「Dr. Marta visited our laboratory.」

Dr. Marta Laranjeira (PostDoc, INEB, Universidade do Porto, Portugal) visited my laboratory for discussion (~July 6).

2014.04.02:「Susana joined to our my laboratory.」

Ms. Susana Neves joined to my laboratory as Research student funded by Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship, research Students for 2014. She will stay here for 2 years.